Sunday, May 11, 2014

Grow Your Own Mushrooms

Back in October I attended a workshop hosted at Ten Speed Greens that was conducted by Bent Tree Farm.  (Unfortunately Ten Speed Greens will be closing up shop this summer).  We learned briefly about growing your own mushrooms and then made our own shiitake mushroom logs and got to bring one home.

We recently cut down some trees on our property so I decided to make some more.  You start with logs approximately four to six inches in diameter and about 40 inches long.  Oak and sweet gum are the best to use.  I had previously used Fungi Perfect for an oyster mushroom kit but at the workshop we were told that Mushroom People is also a good source.  I ordered their Shitake Mushroom Starter kit.

Here is a portion of the kit, it included 300 plugs of mushroom spawn, paraffin wax for sealing, daubers for placing the was.  The kit also said that it was supposed to have 10 metal tags, but it did not.
The logs should be 4-6 inches in diameter and approximately 40 inches long.  They should be stored up off the ground to avoid contamination by "weed" species of mushroom.

Then you drill holes 1 inches deep with a 5/16 inch drill bit.  Place them approximately 6 inches apart on four "sides" of the log, placing each row of holes off center of the next.  Then place the plugs in the holes, tap them flat, and seal with the wax.  Make sure you heat the wax up in advance (I placed it in an old tin can inside a water bath in a crock pot).


At the workshop they told us that Florida has enough rainfall that as long as your logs are placed in the open they should be ok, but watering them is better.  Here I am soaking them for 8-12 hours (on each end) and will do this every two weeks.
Lets hope this works!  It may take 9 months for the logs to fruit, but then they will continue to fruit during the fruiting season for up to ten years.

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